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Welcome to Bonnevie Pharmaceuticals SA website.
Operating in Greece “Bonnevie Pharmaceuticals S.A.” is actively present in the healthcare industry, focused on the development and distribution of high quality medical products and related devices.
The people of Bonnevie Pharmaceuticals S.A. possess over 15 years of management experience in healthcare industry , specialized in oncology , surgery and anaesthesiology.
This experience secures our customers as well as our business partners in the industry a competent and professional service.
Our main goals :
- Quick, valid and efficient response to high standard demands and challenges.
- Provision of high quality medical products in accordance to the needs and the evolution of medicine.
Commitment of Bonnevie Pharmaceuticals S.A. is to serve life through health, with respect for our clients, our colleagues and investors and our society.
Bonnevie Pharmaceuticals S.A.has as priorities to improve quality of life, providing innovative products that meet the highest standards of safety and efficacy to the patients and practitioners.
Our vision is the continuous development and establishment of Bonnevie Pharmaceuticals S.A. as one of the best and most dynamic Greek companies in its field.
We invest in the continuous training and education of our executives to ensure Quality in all their activities.
Within this framework, our company, being innovative in its field, has acquired a QAS (Quality Assurance System) certificate for medical devices ΔΥ8/1348/2004, and an International Quality Management System certificate (ISO 9001:2015) from the National Evaluation Centers of HTCert & LRQA